Course Description

The course offers a reappraisal of Ingmar Bergman’s work in various arts and media and their interrelations. Thus the course explores the concepts of interartiality and intermediality as focal points for approaching Bergman’s body of work and its appropriations and intertexts. Special attention is awarded ongoing research in the Ingmar Bergman Archive.


Learning Objectives

On completion of the course, students should have aquired:

* enhanced knowledge of Swedish film and televison culture in general and Ingmar Bergman’s work in particular

* familiarity with interartiality and intermediality as concepts and fields of study

* ability to evaluate and formulate research questions within this particular domain of film studies


Course Requirements and Assessment

Film, television, and other media screenings in the course are mandatory, and thereby equated with the course literature. Confirmed presence of 80% is required for being graded.


Written assignments must be presented in electronic form. Delivered texts might be run through the software Genuine Text to protect against plagiarism. Cases of suspected cheating, such as plagiarism, will be reported to the University’s Disciplinary Committee by the departmental Chair or Director of Studies.


The course is assessed through one written assignment based on the course material (both readings and films), and will be divided into two sections. In the first you are expected to account for certain theoretical concepts dealt with in the course. The second section consists of a paper in which you are expected to further discuss and apply these concepts in relation to the course material at large.

In this written assignment you are excepted to use the Writing Style Guide that can be downloaded from the Cinema Department’s homepage. See "Writing Criteria - Style Guide":